Akashina Tennohara, Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture, is located on the left bank of the Takase River, at the eastern foot of the Northern Alps Mountains, which runs in the central part of Japan.
The Azumino region was a U-shaped sea that opened to the Sea of Japan about 3,000 years ago, where debris such as gravel, sand, mud, breccia tuff, and volcanic clastic rocks such as tuff has accumulated.
Azumidaira spreads like a valley at the foot of the Northern Alps as shown in the attached photo. There is a mountainous area that looks like a small hill on the left bank of the Takase River that flows southward from Hakuba, and the tip of the mountain is Oshinoyama, and the Tennohara vineyard extends to the west-southwest facing the Alps at the bottom.
The right bank of the Takase River has a climate at the foot of the Alps, but there is clearly less rainfall on the Higashiyama side across the Takase River.
2013年冬 明科天王原にて明科地域の農業を守る会中心に最初の65aの雑木林を開墾
2014年冬 隣接する270aの開墾実施
2015年春 メルロ2500本、シャルドネ2500本定植
2017年春 カベルネ・ソービニオン180本定植
2017年秋 メルロ、シャルドネ初の本格収穫
2018年春 長野県土着品種竜眼25本定植
2019年 1月試作品108本 Field 天王原シャルドネ2017発売
5月Field 天王原シャルドネ2018、Passion Barrel Aging 天王原メルロー2017発売開始
2020年 ツヴァイゲルトレーベ30本定植
2021年 ヴィオニエ、ムールヴェードル、バルベラ、テンプラニーリョ、アルバリーニョ、ソービニヨンブラン
Video <2014年~15年 開墾の様子>